I spend more time than I'd like to admit, crafting each newsletter I send. Can't bear to throw them away. This is a dusty box in the attic that you've stumbled upon; have fun checking out old newsletters, if you'd like!
10/12/2023 Bob Gourdon, Gourd Bobbin'!
8/6/2023 Gourdlandia Goes To School
3/10/2023 Gourds Gone Wild!
12/15/2022 Singing Sale 2022, and more...
10/6/2022 The Gourdlandia Gazette, Issue #872
3/17/2022 Want Seeds? Good. For Free? Fine.
12/20/2021 The Singing Sale Is On!
8/28/2021 A video, an ngoni workshop, and more...
7/4/2021 All Is Well In The Gourd World
3/3/2021 Seeds! Seedseedseedseeds!!!
12/5/2020 The CNN Link, and a Story
11/23/20 Really? CNN came to Gourdlandia???
6/1/2020 Porchside Pickup Has Started!
11/26/2019 The Rarer and Rarer Newsletter
5/3/2019 Pleas, and Thank You!
3/13/2019 Research, and Classes